Signature Programs

Law and Ecology: Legal Innovations for a Heating Planet and EcoVisions: Finding Your Place in Environmentalism

A joint program that aims to provide participants with opportunities to see how environmental action can take shape in all aspects of life and highlight how legal innovations might be underused tools to aid and contribute to climate justice.

Law and Ecology: Legal Innovations for a Heating Planet

Convened by Arpitha Kodiveri, Assistant Professor of Political Science


A few weeks ago, the headlines on the front pages of many newspapers across the globe warned of the earth surpassing the goal of 1.5 degrees which was set by the Paris Agreement. 1 Climate scientists continue to raise the alarm about the loss and damage that is associated with extreme weather events if mitigation targets are not met. 2 International and domestic climate law has been slow to respond to this crisis. The challenges have been many including holding corporations accountable, finding legal doctrines to creatively address the crisis to understanding the role of legal remedies in these climate frontiers.

This signature program will bring together legal practitioners, scholars, climate scientists, climate activists, artists, and ecologists to think through these pressing questions. The program aims to foster a sense of hope and innovation in the realm of law by working towards novel legal solutions to the issues of climate injustice. The program through a legal hackathon will engage the high school students and first-year students from the local colleges to work with the law and devise possible legal solutions to these issues.

The program will platform voices from the global south, especially indigenous communities, who are working and thinking through what these legal futures will look like. An example of such legal innovation and futures is the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty which was a product of activism from the global south to reimagine what international law can do in the context of the climate crisis. 3 The program seeks to showcase the legal ideas, innovations, and solutions that can combat a myriad of issues that the climate crisis brings.

EcoVisions: Finding Your Place in Environmentalism

Convened by: Keri Van Camp, Director of the Preserve at Vassar; Jennifer Rubbo, Director of the Vassar Environmental Cooperative; Kenneth Foster, Director of Sustainability; Ariptha Kodiveri, Assistant Professor of Political Science; and Ethan Skuches, Vassar-Kenauk Conservation Fellow.


Collaborative work between the Preserve at Vassar, the Environmental Cooperative, and the Office of Sustainability has produced EcoVisions: Finding Your Place in Environmentalism, a three-day conference bringing together professionals across the environmental field. The impetus behind this program is to provide people with opportunities to see how environmental action can take shape in all aspects of life. Over multiple days, people of the Vassar, Poughkeepsie, and greater Hudson Valley communities will have the opportunity to hear from and engage with professionals across various disciplines and walks of life discussing pertinent environmental topics. Spanning the fields of sustainability, conservation, and environmental engagement, participants will be able to visualize and learn firsthand how to bring meaningful action into their lives. Professionals, including Vassar alums and faculty, will engage with students and the larger community. Whether it be through clean energy, land stewardship, or creating a green jobs board, there is space in everyone’s life to engage in thoughtful and meaningful action. Pairing keynote and panel discussions with practical, hands-on showcases and experiences allows participants to hear and learn from our panel speakers and keynotes as well as see some of their work in action. A final keynote will turn the knowledge learned throughout the conference into action, bringing participants together and providing direction within the environmental field. As a Signature Program, EcoVisions showcases Vassar’s leadership in and commitment to environmentalism.

  1. Shannon Osaka, “Earth Breached a Feared Level of Warming This Past Year. Are We Doomed?” in the Washington Post on February 8, 2024. This is one among other headlines being similarly reported last week globally.

  2. Huq, S., Roberts, E. & Fenton, A. Loss and damage. Nature Climate Change 3, 947–949 (2013).

  3. Peter Newell & Andrew Simms (2020) Towards a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty, Climate Policy, 20:8, 1043–1054, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.163675

The Vassar Institute for the Liberal Arts
165 College Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604