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Faculty Research Presentations

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Vassar’s faculty members will be presenting informal talks on their current research. Experience the breadth of a liberal arts education and explore subjects you have not studied before.

Three 45-minute sessions start at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00,
each with a diverse range of presentations.

Group 1: 9:00–9:45 a.m.

  • Not that Type of Geologist: An Exploration of Water, Land and People in Coastal Communities
    Deon Knights (Earth Science and Environmental Studies), Ely Hall 204
  • Vampires, Monks, and Holy Fools: The Mystical in Russia and Eastern Europe
    Charles Arndt III (Russian Studies), Rockefeller Hall 200
  • Building Robots to Understand How Animals Behave and Evolve
    John Long (Cognitive Science and Biology), Olmsted Hall 266
  • Solving the Climate Crisis with Renewable Energy: Lessons from Copenhagen?
    Mary Ann Cunningham (Earth Science and Geography), Ely Hall 200
  • Uniform Fetishism and Queer Emancipation in Imperial Germany
    Jeffrey Schneider (German Studies, Global Nineteenth-Century Studies, Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies), Rockefeller Hall 203
  • Online Ghosts, UFO Videos, and other Supernatural Media
    Christopher White (Religion), Rockefeller Hall 210
  • Litigation Economics
    Andrew Lemon (Economics), Taylor Hall 203
  • Spaghetti with a Chance of Meatballs: Investigating Italian Identity through Food Media
    Simona Bondavalli (Italian), Chicago Hall 102
  • Oedipus Around the World: Making Transnational Theater with One Year Lease
    Amanda Culp (Drama, Asian Studies), Rockefeller Hall 310

Group 2: 10:00–10:45 a.m.

  • Critique as a Form of Solidarity: Lessons from Muslim Paris
    Kirsten Wesselhoeft (Religion, International Studies, Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies, Africana Studies), Blodgett Hall 201
  • Algerian Islamists, Jews, and the Question of Palestine, 1929–1934
    Joshua Schreier (History), Rockefeller Hall 201
  • Social Fabric: Quilts and American Studies
    Lisa Gail Collins (American Studies), Old Laundry Building 205
  • Doing Justice to the Classics: Greco-Roman Antiquity and White Nationalism
    Curtis Dozier (Greek and Roman Studies), Rockefeller Hall 310
  • The Making of Photography as Data: Engaging with the Loeb’s Photography Collection
    Anna Mayer (German Studies, Media Studies), Jessica Brier (Curator of Photography, The Loeb), The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Project Gallery
  • Unchaining Women: Feminism and Jewish Law
    Agnes Veto (Jewish Studies), Blodgett Hall 101
  • The Cognitive Science of Metaphor
    Stephen Flusberg (Cognitive Science), Rockefeller Hall 210
  • The Banana Republic’s Capital: Boston, the United Fruit Company, and the Landscape of Empire
    Joseph Nevins (Geography), Ely Hall 200
  • Collaborative GIS/Mapping Projects Showcase
    Neil Curri (Geography), Ely Hall 204
  • Someone Old, Someone New, Someone Red, Someone Blue: How Redistricting Decisions about Constituency Intactness and Partisanship Affected the 2022 Congressional Election Outcomes
    Richard Born (Political Science), Rockefeller Hall 203
  • You Are Who You Know: Social Networks and Personality at Vassar
    Allan Clifton (Psychological Science), New England Building 206

Group 3: 11:00–11:45 a.m.

  • Climate Change, Justice, and Moral Responsibility
    Jeffrey Seidman (Philosophy, Environmental Studies), Rockefeller Hall 310
  • Ritual, Brain, and Belief: The Cognitive Science of Religious Experience
    Kenneth Livingston (Cognitive Science), Rockefeller Hall 200
  • Stories Scientists Tell: Myth-History in Science
    Jose Perillan (Science, Technology, and Society, Physics and Astronomy), Sanders Physics 105
  • Mushy Rocks and Big Blasts: What Drives Explosive Volcanic Eruptions?
    John Zayac (Earth Science and Geography), Ely Hall 204/Ely Lawn
  • Monstrosities! Art, Culture, Women, Jews, Others
    Marc Michael Epstein (Religion, Jewish Studies), Taylor Hall 203
  • Driving or Dividing Poughkeepsie? Urban Renewal, Arterial Expressways, and Insurgent Roundabouts
    Brian Godfrey (Geography, Urban Studies), Ely Hall 200
  • Filming Property, Filming Crime
    Erica Stein (Film), Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film 109 / Rosenwald Screening Room
  • Women In Russian Arts: The Power & The Glory
    Farida Tcherkassova (Russian Studies), Rockefeller Hall 203
  • From Crusades to “Europe”: Early Concepts of Western Identity
    Nancy Bisaha (History), Swift Hall 101
  • Dancing to Connect: Dance for Social Impact
    Miriam Mahdaviani (Dance), Robin Cantrell (Battery Dance), Rockefeller Hall 201
  • Water in Fiji and Singapore: Culture/Advertising/Postcoloniality
    Martha Kaplan (Anthropology, Asian Studies), Blodgett Hall 105