Assistant Prof. of Psychological Science Hadley Bergstrom and a team of faculty and students spent part of the summer using tiny microscopes to study brain activity.
It’s natural for parents to want to protect their children from harm, but is there some danger in protecting them too much? Prof. of Psychological Science Abigail Baird ’91 says her research on the workings of the adolescent brain suggests that the answer is yes.
Vassar students who enroll in courses taught by History Prof. Ismail Rashid can be confident his observations about youth, conflict, peacebuilding and other issues in Africa are fresh and insightful. Every spring break and summer, he returns to meet with researchers, political leaders and journalists there, and he mentors young scholars who are studying those issues.
More than two dozen students collaborated with humanities faculty this summer in research projects under the auspices of Vassar’s Ford Scholar program.