Historical and Legal Desensitization of American Indians
Taylor Hall 203
This lecture will provide a history of United States policy in American Indian affairs that will allow students to critically analyze their own professional and personal desensitization of American Indian peoples, their cultures, status and beliefs. One need only look at the ongoing battle with the Washington DC NFL football team name changed from the “R” word, or models and rock stars wearing American Indian headdresses to see how American Indian race and culture has become desensitized. Why is it this way? How does this affect us in the professional fields of law, history, anthropology and archaeology? Do we even realize the effect that historical and degrading American Indian law and policy has on us?
Shannon Keller O’Loughlin
Citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Partner & Chair, Indian Nations Law & Policy Practice
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Attorneys