
The Fallacies of Racism: How perceptions of racism reproduce inequality during college and beyond

Oct. 2, 2024, 5:00–6:00 p.m.

Rockefeller Hall 200  

Jenn Sims, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alabama in Huntsville

In a new book, The Fallacies of Racism (Polity 2024), sociologist Jennifer Patrice Sims builds on academic theories from multiple social science disciplines and her own cross-national research, two decades of teaching, and analyses of contemporary issues to examine a dozen common perceptions about racism.

In this guest lecture, Dr. Sims introduces her fallacies framework, highlights three of the fallacies which are often found in higher education, and explains how the thinking which underlays them is rooted in what scholars call an “epistemology of ignorance.” She concludes by describing the types of personal, peer group, and university-level efforts that are needed to reject fallacies and promote critical thinking during college and beyond.

Co-sponsored by: Africana Studies, Sociology, and the Dean of the Faculty

This event is open to the public.

Jennifer Sims wearing a white collared shirt with dark spots, a black sweater, black rimmed eyeglasses and large shaped earrings against a blue background.
Jenn Sims, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alabama in Huntsville