
Why the Climate Movement Must be a Movement for Justice

Sep. 12, 2024, 5:30–7:00 p.m.

Rockefeller Hall Room 300

The fight against climate change and the fight for justice are often treated as separate.  Rhiana Gunn-Wright discusses why this is a mistake. There can be no social justice in a world wrecked by climate change; and we cannot stop climate change without politics and policy that put justice at their center.

Rhiana Gunn-Wright is a Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and chief policy architect of the Green New Deal—a policy framework that puts justice at the center of climate action. She crafted the GND by helping to bring together environmental justice leaders, labor leaders, and leaders of the traditional environmental movement to find consensus and build a new coalition.

Co-sponsored by: Environmental Studies, Economics, Political Science, ALANA Center, Office of Sustainability, Africana Studies, Religion, Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies, Earth Science and Geography, Philosophy, Physics, Biology, English, Urban Studies, Sociology,  French and Francophone Studies, Hispanic Studies, Education, and Latin American and Latinx Studies, with generous support from the Jill Troy Werner Fund  

Portrait or a person with dark hair.
Rihana Gunn-Wright © Joshua Cogan 2013