Past Events
Join us in kicking off this year’s festival with exciting exhibitions in three different gallery spaces on campus. Enjoy refreshments in the Loeb and Palmer Galleries to celebrate the wide range of visual art offerings for MODfest 2023.
An exhibit of artwork by Kate McGloughlin depicts the beauty and sorrow inherent in the Ashokan Reservoir. Kate’s family lost both land and community to reservoir construction. There will also be an artist talk in the second week of the festival during Late Night at the Loeb. This exhibit is sponsored by the Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education.
The Palmer Gallery exhibit Imploding Meaning: Tale-less Tales About Absolutely Nothing and Everything In Between features the work of M. Pettee Olsen, Michael Oatman, Rosanne Walsh, and Monica Church.
How do artists help us see or shape the past and future? Works ranging from Matthew Vassar’s initial bequest in 1864 to the Loeb’s most recent gifts and acquisitions will cluster in visual dialogues thematizing past, present, and future as categories in constant states of flux and transformation.
This rotation of the Loeb’s In the Spotlight will feature a small selection of prints, drawings, paintings, and photographs depicting water in New York State
Vassar employees and their families are invited to attend this special admissions event. Poughkeepsie Day School is a private, independent, PreK-12 school with students from all over the Hudson Valley.
This illustrated lecture by a Wesleyan University professor of art history and East Asian studies will focus on visual narratives spun by the Kumano nuns in early modern Japan for fundraising purposes and the paintings they used, called sankei mandara or “pilgrimage mandalas.”
A Palmer Gallery exhibit featuring M. Pettee Olsen, Michael Oatman, Rosanne Walsh, and Monica Church. Though each artist’s approach is different, a through-line in their work is an embodied open-ness to interpretation, evoking experience and invoking a call to simply behold the work and the world.
Organist and Vassar music faculty member Gail Archer hosts a special one-night-only free concert at the iconic St. Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate the music of both Ukrainian and Russian composers. The event will also be livestreamed.
Reflections on Dr. King’s legacy from various members of the campus community. A light breakfast will be served.
Have a good idea for a community-based partnership and need funding? Good Neighbors Partnerships provides grants to students (and student groups) and College employees to fund innovative campus-community partnerships with not-for-profit (501c3) organizations in Poughkeepsie. Apply now!
Explore the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center while listening to music sung by the Vassar College Women’s Chorus and Choir at 6:30 p.m.
The men’s and women’s fencing teams are sponsoring their 9th annual blood drive with the New York Blood Center at Walker Field House, Bay 1.
A lecture by Mark S. Cladis of Brown University, presented by the Vassar English Department in celebration of Professor Paul Kane’s long service.
This annual Advent service at the Vassar College Chapel features readings, choral anthems, and congregational carols, culminating in a candle lighting ceremony. Vassar College Choir, Chamber Singers, and Women’s Chorus, and Cappella Festiva Ensembles will perform.
This is an in-person event that was recorded.
James Osborn, director
This is an in-person event that will also be streamed live
Peter Lee, Vassar ‘14
Data Science & Society Colloquium Series Talk presents Jeremy Springman, Senior Research Associate at the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Political Science and DevLab@Penn. Reception to follow.
Campus community only, please.
Eduardo Navega, director
This is an in-person event that will also be streamed live