
Angela Wanhalla: Indigenous Women and War Histories in New Zealand and the Pacific

Apr. 21, 2022, 5:00 p.m.


This talk by Dr. Angela Wanhalla of Otago University introduces two collaborative research projects that examine war histories from the perspective of Indigenous women. One project involved oral histories with the children fathered by American servicemen in the South Pacific Command during World War II and the other project explores the importance of community-based research for Indigenous history in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Angela Wanhalla is a professor of history at the University of Otago, New Zealand. She is of Māori, Irish, and German descent. Her books include Matters of the Heart: A History of Interracial Marriage in New Zealand (2013) and, with Lachy Paterson, He Reo Wāhine: Māori Women’s Voices from the Nineteenth Century (2017).

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Angela Wanhalla headshot

Angela Wanhalla
Photo: Māori Home Front