Professors of Earth Science acquire grant for SEM microscope and EDS spectrometer

Laura Haynes, Assistant Professor of Earth Science; Kirsten Menking, Professor of Earth Science on the Althea Ward Clark Chair; and Jeffrey Walker, Professor of Earth Science, received a National Science Foundation Earth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities (EAR/IF) grant to acquire a Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (EDS) for research, teaching, and public outreach. The Department of Earth Science and Geography will utilize the SEM/EDS instruments to support new research into past & present climate and ocean change, metamorphic petrology, microplastics, and volcanology - providing research opportunities for undergraduates at every stage - as well as to create new programming and exhibits for the Warthin Museum in Ely Hall and broaden participation of students and community members.