Alberto Gelmi, Assistant Professor of Italian, co-edited a recently published volume entitled Rappresentare per includere. Metodi, strumenti e testi per un italiano plurale.

Assistant Professor of Italian Alberto Gelmi’s co-edited volume is geared toward inclusion and offers methodological tools and concrete examples for an updated teaching of Italian.

Divided into three sections (Methods, Tools and Texts), the volume joins in the larger debate on the multicultural nature of Italian society and the teaching trends that best represent it in the language classroom of the future.
Fourteen contributors offer methodological and hands-on proposals for an inclusive teaching of Italian as a non-native language. All essays foreground language as a space for information exchange and negotiation of multicultural identity, thereby advocating for an educational model rooted in responsible citizenship and thoughtful linguistic awareness.
The publication was made possible by the generous support of Vassar’s Research Committee and the University of Arkansas, and it was launched on October 17th at the Italian Institute of Culture in New York City during the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel mondo (the week of the Italian language in the world).