
“Baudelaire and the Miracle of the Prose Poem”

Sep. 23, 2024, 5:30–6:45 p.m.

Class of ’51 Reading Room, Library

This lecture will situate the prose poem within the context of literary and visual arts (photography) of the mid-nineteenth century. Charles Baudelaire was one of the most important French poets of the nineteenth century and a prolific art critic who left a mark on the world of art and literature globally.

Seth Whidden is a Professor of French Literature and Fellow of The Queen’s College of the University of Oxford.

Co-sponsored by: Art, English, French and Francophone Studies, Global Nineteenth-Century Studies, and the Office of the Dean of Faculty.

Campus community only, please.

Man leaning up against a stone building wearing a light colored button up shirt and eyeglasses.
Professor Seth Whidden
Black and white photo of Charles Baudelaire wearing a double buttoned, high collared coat.
Charles Baudelaire by Nadar (1855)