The Next Phase of Our Journey: Climate Action Plan 2025

In 2025, we are charting a path and building a toolkit, preparing for the next phase of our journey to reduce carbon emissions and minimize negative environmental impacts of College operations. Vassar aspires to reach carbon neutrality and to demonstrate how a college community can restore the health of nature and contribute regional, national, and global efforts to support planetary health.

Vassar’s first Climate Action Plan, building from the 2011 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan, was issued in 2016. This plan was designed to last five years and set out the aspiration to reach carbon neutrality by 2030. This was followed by Climate Positive: The 2020 Climate Action Plan (PDF).

In 2024, we began work on taking stock of our current situation and changes in the technological and policy environment in order to determine what is needed to develop our next Climate Action Plan.