Past Events
Eliza Orlins discusses how policing disproportionately targets marginalized communities, fuels mass incarceration, and fails to deliver true public safety.
A talk by Richard Ocejo, Professor of Sociology at John Jay College CUNY and author of Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City. Open to the public.
A talk by Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute and chief policy architect of the Green New Deal—a policy framework that puts justice at the center of climate action.
David Banks of SUNY Albany presents from his recent book, The City Authentic: How the Attention Economy Builds Urban America.
Award-winning author Jennine Capó Crucet will read from her novel Make Your Home Among Strangers. Q&A and book signing to follow.
A Matthew Vassar Lecture, panel discussion, and workshops by syndicated Black cartoonist and children’s book illustrator Jerry Craft, who will discuss his graphic novel New Kid—and how the text has been weaponized and banned from some libraries and classrooms across the country.
A lecture by Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Associate Professor of English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.
A Matthew Vassar Lecture by syndicated Black cartoonist and children’s book illustrator Jerry Craft, who will discuss his graphic novel New Kid—and how the text has recently been weaponized as a political pawn, banned from some libraries and classrooms across the country.