The Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies Program—open to all students—teaches students to think critically about the multiple systems of power through which sexual and gendered identities are constructed and to engage with real-life political and ethical issues from diverse perspectives.

The program offers courses that examine the lives and experiences of women in a variety of historical, cultural, and political contexts, as well as courses that explore the intersections of feminist theory, queer theory, and activism.

Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies is an exciting multidisciplinary field, bringing together faculty from many departments who share the conviction that gender and sexuality are fundamental categories of analysis in all disciplines.

Students interested in Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies may select from team-taught integrative courses at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels, as well as from a variety of courses cross-listed with other departments. Students who wish to declare a concentration or a correlate sequence in Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies work with program advisors to plan a course of study tailored to their particular interests. Students take an introductory course, courses from at least three disciplines, at least one course in feminist theory, and other courses germane to their self-designed programs. A senior thesis or project is required. Recent topics include “Global Feminisms” and “Feminist Approaches to Science and Technology.”



Portrait of a person standing outside with long brown, wavy hair and a purple shirt.

Kirsten Wesselhoeft, Associate Professor of Religion, is the author of Fraternal Critique: The Politics of Muslim Community in France, appearing in March 2025 with University of Chicago Press. In her new book, she argues that dissent and argument can be potent forms of solidarity through an ethnography of French Muslim activism and close readings of recent French laws on religion.

Paulina Bren

Paulina Bren, Adjunct Professor of Multidisciplinary Studies on the Pittsburgh Endowment Chair in the Humanities and Director of the Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies Program, is the author of the recently published She-Wolves: The Untold History of Women on Wall Street (W.W. Norton).

A magazine cover with a painting of a person sitting. The cover has the text “Fourteen Hills: The San Francisco State University Review. No. 29 / 2023”

Hiram Perez, Associate Professor of English and Women, Feminist, and Queer Studies Faculty member, is the author of “John Travolta vs. Farrah Fawcett,” a work of memoir published by the literary magazine Fourteen Hills in their Summer 2023 issue. Fourteen Hills recently nominated the piece for a Pushcart Prize in Nonfiction.

Headshot of Kimberly Williams Brown

Kimberly Williams Brown, Assistant Professor of Education, is co-author of Say, Listen: Writing as Care, a new book by The Black | Indigenous 100s Collective. A project of seven scholars working within Blackness and Indigeneity, the Black | Indigenous 100s Collective takes a new approach to thinking, writing, and practicing care.

Headshot of Ashanti Shih

Ashanti Shih, Assistant Professor of History, is a 2023 Sinnott Award recipient. Ashanti’s scholarly work, which brings issues of race and indigeneity into dialogue with histories of science and environment, will focus on the colonial histories and legacies of the Arboretum’s vast collections of temperate woody plants from North America and East Asia.